Hello there! My name is Molly and I’m absolutely thrilled that you’ve found yourself here on my little corner of the internet! Welcome!

To put it simply, I’m just a gal that loves The Lord, people + their stories.

Storytelling has captivated me from a young age, and I’ve had a desire to create for as long as I can remember. Through every season of my life, I’ve always found myself drawn to some sort of creative outlet - however, my favorite has always been writing stories. After years of writing my own stories & stealing my parents’ point-and-shoot camera, I joined photojournalism in high school (fun fact, I was an editor of my high school’s yearbook). I would say that this is the point where my love for storytelling expanded from writing stories about fictional characters to documenting the stories of real people. During my first year of college, I felt The Lord calling me to pursue a photography business - after some encouragement from friends, I bought my first camera with the help of my parents and Molly Roze Photography was born!

My business is constant reminder of how The Lord’s plans for my life are far better than my own, and sweeter than I could have ever dreamed. He has been so faithful and kind in growing me as a creative and establishing my business over the years. I’m forever thankful for the opportunities I’ve had to create and cultivate relationships with the best clients in the whole wide world - I consider it such a sweet gift to be able serve, encourage, love & care for others in this capacity.

I absolutely love what I do, and I feel so thankful to get to love people, document the human spirit, and tell stories through images. What a joy it is to be a photographer, a creative, an observer, and a historian (of sorts)!


I’m married to the love of my life + high school sweetheart, Jackson - we got married in February 2021 (…during the great Texas Snowstorm, oof). I'm thankful that I get to love Jackson the rest of my days, following wherever The Lord leads us. We have a golden retriever named Juniper Honey, and we think she’s just the cutest thing ever!

I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin (hook ‘em horns 🤘🏻) with my B.A. in history. One might ask ‘what on earth are you going to do with a history degree?’ and to answer that, I teach high school and I love it. It is an honor to teach, care for, and know such wonderful and kind students!

Honestly, this girl is a little nerdy. I’m a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and could probably talk to you about Captain America all the livelong day. I think that The Mandalorian is arguably one of the best TV shows I’ve ever watched, next to Stranger Things - also, Baby Yoda is da cutest. I also sometimes dabble in the world of board games (shout out to Jackson + his sweet family).

I have created many Spotify playlists, but I love them all too much to delete any of them. Over the last few years, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed collecting + listening to records on my record player! If you’re into the whole Enneagram thing, I’m a 2w3 (if you don’t know what that means, that’s okay - I didn’t for the longest time, lol). I really love things that make me feel cozy - like big, comfy sweaters, lighting candles, reading books and drinking coffee. Despite being a homebody, I quite often experience wanderlust + would love to travel more.

Although all of these things are special to me + bring me joy, the greatest joy I have ever known comes from The Lord! When I was in middle school, He got ahold of my heart on a Wednesday night at youth group and has radically changed my life in the best possible way. The Lord has given me a new identity as His daughter + a new purpose in knowing Him and making Him known! If you wanna know more about Jesus, please feel free to ask me about Him (I’d love to tell you about Him!).

If you think that we’d be a good photographer & client duo or just want to say hi - feel free to fill out a form on my contact page. I’d love to hear from you!